back pain physio in Leamington Spa, Kenilworth and Warwick
Lower back pain is an extremely common problem. The latest figures report that over 75% of people living in the UK will experience lower back pain at some point in their life. Approximately 30% of people in the UK will have an episode of lower back pain every year.
Our spines are not designed for sitting down at a desk or in a car, or for enduring repetitive movements for several hours at a time. This is why most people will experience back pain at some point in their life. It can be caused by an accident or injury, poor posture, and repetitive strains.
The severity of your symptoms can range from tenderness and stiffness to severe pain that prevent people from carrying out everyday activities. Because back pain can be so variable it is essential that your condition is assessed thoroughly and that a treatment programme is tailored specifically for you.
Physiotherapy can be very beneficial for people suffering from back pain and is an essential part of restoring movement and muscular control. The important thing is to keep moving so joints do not stiffen and muscles weaken. The great majority of pateints prgoress really well and get back to their normal activities and sports with no lasting symptoms.
Phil has extensive experience working with back and neck pain patients. His work has included treating pre and post operative patients in a private hospital and working in a pilates clinic. Using mobilty, strengthening and pilates exercises for rehabilitating back and neck pain issues really addresses the core issues where these problems originate from. Phil finds that this type of rehabilitation has great results.
Please give Phil a call on 07858001415 for a discussion as to how this treatment can help your back pain.
tel 07858001415
working hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-5
location Leamington, Warwick, Kenilworth, Coventry