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running injury treatment

Most running injuries occur due to an overload of the painful area. Whether that be shin splints (medial tibial stress syndrome), achilles tendinopathy, runners knee or ITB friction syndrome. Phil will take a thorough history of your injury, look at your recent training (frequency, type, intensity, volume), whether you have increased your training too much too soon or if any other recent events e.g. change in footware may be contributing to your symptoms. Phil will then be able to put in place a structured plan to either keep you running (more than likely at a reduced volume) or get you back to running as soon as possible.

Colorful Weights

Phil will also determine if there are any issues with muscle strength and set up a strengthening programme to address areas that need improving. Strength and conditioning is the most important part of your rehabilitation and along with training plan management, will form the biggest part of your rehabilitation.

Gait assessment is another important part of getting to the root cause of your injury. You may be overstriding (which would mean you will need to increase you cadence) or running with your feet too narrow. These subtle signs (along with many others) can be picked up by video analysis that Phil will be able to do outdoors when he comes to see you for the assessment. From the information picked up on video analysis, Phil will be able to help you improve your technique which may in turn help to settle your symptoms.


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