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running physio in Leamington, Kenilworth and Warwick

Whether you are new to running, training for a marathon, competing or just run for the fun of it, Phil is here to help. His aim is to keep you running or get you back there as soon as possible.

Phil privides a specialist assessment and treatment running service. He will identify the underlying cause of your injury, help you recover from and prevent future injuries.

Running Outdoors
  • assessment

  • gait analysis

  • strength and conditioning

  • rehabilitation

  • training advice


Taking time to do a throrough assessment helps to get to the root cause of your pain. This is the most important part of setting you on the raod to recovery.

Slow motion video analysis captures where your running  gait can be improved upon. Subtle changes to your gait can really help improve your pain and performance.

gait analysis
strength and conditioning

Strength and conditoning will form the main part of your rehabilitation. It helps you recover from injury faster, improves performance and reduces the risk of injury

Your rehabilitation will address biomechanical issues that are picked up in your assessment or gait analysis. Specific exercises, running drills and strength work are tailored to your individual needs.

Training advice

Doing too much too soon, overtraining, too frequent hard workouts and not enough easy paced runs can often lead to problems. Correcting your training ptterns and habits to gice you better weekly and monthly structure will help keep you injury free and maximise your potential to get you that next PB!


tel                       07858001415

working hours       Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-5

location               Leamington, Warwick, Kenilworth, Coventry

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