physiotherapy in Warwick
Phil and Fiona provide treatment in the convenience of your own home. Their service covers Leamington, Kenilworth, Warwick and the surrounding areas.
Please feel free to contact Phil or Fiona if you live outside this area as special arrangements may be made.
See the contact form below or call 07858001415 or email for more information.
It was only when I started to work with Phil that I learnt what exercises I really needed to do, how often I needed to do them and, most importantly, how to do them correctly, thus ensuring that the right muscles were being engaged. He has worked with me by monitoring my progress regularly and varying my exercise programme accordingly. He is patience personified and really knows what he is doing. For anyone who is post-op, especially in the first 5-6 weeks or is facing surgery, I would recommend starting to work with Phil as soon as possible.
Patricia - Warwick

tel 07858001415
working hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-5
location Leamington, Warwick, Kenilworth, Coventry