physio for running injuries in Leamington, Kenilworth and Warwick

Our ankles knees and hips take a lot of extra load when we run. Peak forces can be up to 8 times your body weight. The muscles and tendons surrounding these joints need to do a lot more work to help soften the impact. When they are not working as well as they should (along with training errors) we commonly see overuse injuries.
ITB friction syndrome
achilles tendinopathy
hamstring tendinopathy
back pain
stress fractures
These conditions are often caused by an increased training load that the body cannot cope with or poor technique/alignment. Phil will be able to guide you back to full fitness using a combination of exercise based rehabilitation, strength and conditioning, running gait re-education, and hands on manual therapy techniques. Soft tissue work helps alleviate stiff muscles and enable better movement in the early stages. As you progress Phil will update your tailor made exercise programme at the rate your recovery improves.

Everybody’s injury is different and the treatment given will be specific to your condition. This will ensure you get back to full fitness and gives you the confidence to return to sport knowing you have the best chance of preventing another injury.
tel 07858001415
working hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-5
location Leamington, Warwick, Kenilworth, Coventry